01 October 2007

car pickup

We are adjusting to our new routine, but still Ema asks each night … “am I going to be car pickup tomorrow?”.

Most days I feel like I’m taking a vacation day from work. But each night I am so thankful that the next day will again be filled with Mommy tasks! Ellie and I have had so much fun during the day – we play in the mornings and go for a walk (my neighbor politely informed me that the jogging stroller is designed for jogging instead of walking – I’ll just have to work my way up to that. Besides, we don’t want to over stimulate Ellie :-) So, after our walk, she follows me around the house and we make beds, do laundry, wash dishes – our “chores”. She usually runs out in front of me. You’d think she’d get tired as she takes about four steps for each of my one, but she keeps moving – constantly!! While she naps, I have my quiet time and work on projects that are best done without her “help”. And about the time she wakes up, it’s time to go pick up Ema – car pickup.

There are three different methods of getting home from school – bus load, daycare pickup, or car pickup. Ema has always been daycare pickup. She would ask me at least once a week, when would I take off work early so she could be car pickup. That first day I was off work Friday before last, it was so awesome to see her huge smile – standing in line for car pickup. It’s so amazing to me how such a small thing can bring joy to her little heart. And it brings joy to my heart just to see her so happy!! Thank you, Lord for allowing us to be car pickup :-)